
Letter from a teacher
मी "विद्युत काही संकल्पना" हा संपूर्ण लेख बारकाईने वाचला. त्यातील सर्व संकल्पना अतिशय साध्या सोप्या भाषेमध्ये व्यवहारातील परिचयाची उदाहरणे देऊन सोप्या करुन सांगितलेल्या आहेत त्यामुळे विद्यार्थी व शिक्षक यांना खूप चांगल्या पद्धतीने समजतील याची मला खात्री वाटते. त्याचबरोबर रंगीत आकृत्यांच्या मदतीने प्रत्येक संबोध स्पष्ट होण्यासाठी मदत होत आहे.
विशेष म्हणजे विद्यार्थी आणि शिक्षक यांना सहज समजेल अशा परिचयाच्या उदाहरणांचा उपयोग करून संबोध स्पष्ट करण्याचा प्रयत्न केलेला आहे. दैनंदिन परिचयाची उदाहरणे असल्यामुळे त्याबद्दल जवळीक वाटून विषय समजण्यास सोपा होत आहे. या पाठीमागे विज्ञान वाहिनीची प्रचंड मेहनत नक्कीच आहे या सर्व टीमचे आमच्या श्री सद्गुरू समर्थ हंबीरबाबा विद्यालय टाकळी भीमा/पाटेठाण ता.दौंड च्या वतीने
मनापासून आभार.
- Ghegade Bharat Vishnu, Shikrapur
विज्ञान वाहिनीच्या साऱ्या शिलेदारांना समर्पित
- उमेश घेवरीकर.
विज्ञान शिक्षक, बाळासाहेब भारदे हायस्कुल, शेवगाव, जि. अहमदनगर
जेष्ठ-श्रेष्ठ विज्ञानऋषी
घेऊन विज्ञान आरसा
गावोगाव फिरतात
देती विवेकाचा वसा
प्रयोगातून पुराव्यातून
सहजी संवाद साधती
शिकणे त्यांच्या संगे
आनंदाची पर्वणी होई
संकल्पना विज्ञानाच्या
उपकरणे उपयोगी
घरातल्या घेऊन वस्तू
जणू जादू घडवती
चर्चा प्रयोग शंकासमाधाने
उत्सुकता वाढवती
फिरती प्रयोगशाळा त्यांची
नाते जगाशी जोडती
नाही भाषणे सत्कार
नाही मान हारतुरे
क्षण क्षण मुलांसाठी
असे व्रतस्थ महर्षी
व्यथा आपल्या सांभाळून
ज्ञानमेवा आनंदे वाटती
आजी आजोबा हे अनोखे
गावोगावी विज्ञानेश्वर घडवती..!
आम्ही विज्ञानयात्री
- सौ. विभावरी सावंत - पाटील
आम्ही विज्ञानयात्री,
विज्ञानाच्या युगात राहतो,
विज्ञानाचे गीत गातो.
चराचरांवर प्राणीमात्रांवर,
निसर्गाची किमया जाणतो,
विज्ञान वाहिनीच्या संगतीत आनंद लुटतो.
गावोगावी, खेडोपाडी विज्ञानगंध पोहोचवतो,
असू जरी ज्येष्ठ आम्ही,
बालांत रमून बालपण अनुभवतो.
निवृतीचे जीवन तरीही,
काळवेळेचे भान राखतो,
कृतिशीलतेला जोपासतो,
वंचित सामान्यांना विज्ञान सफर घडवण्या,
निमित्त होतो.
(सौ. विभावरी सावंत - पाटील, विज्ञान शिक्षिका - समर्थ विद्यालय, कोल्हापूर)
The numerous letters we receive from school head-masters, students and well-wishers serve as a form of evaluation of our activity. Below are excerpts from some of these letters (translated from Marathi).

From school head masters:
Sri Shivshambho Vidyalaya, Khalad, Taluk Purandar, District Pune:
It is very admirable that you are running this organization to teach science through experiments to rural school children without a fee or remuneration, especially at the schools which are unaided by the government.
New English School, Nimgaon-Khairi, Tal. Srirampur, District Ahmednagar:
Vidnyanvahini's mobile lab seemed to us like a "Gate Way of Science." It has given the students a feeling of "Handle and Learn" science through experiments.
Zilla Parishad High School, Nagarsoga, Tal. Ausa, District Latur:
This work for creating a scientific attitude among the students is matchless. Such programs can motivate other organizations too.
Nutan Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Vadki, Tal. Haveli, District Pune:
The choice of experiments was motivated by a desire to create interest among the students. The explanations were very lucid and easy to understand.
New English School, Bherdapur, Tal. Srirampur, District Ahmednagar:
We learned a novel point of view from your experiments. We experienced that after your last visit, students wrote clear answers to questions on the exam by drawing appropriate figures.
Sane Guruji Vidyalaya, Kharpudi, Tal. Khed, District Pune:
The Vidnyanvahini's experiments created interest in science among the students and made it easy for them to understand principles of science. The project is useful from scientific point and is enlightening for the teachers.
Sarole Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Sarole, Tal. Bhor, District Pune:
This is an excellent pathfinder project for students as well as teachers. The organizers have obviously put lot of efforts into it. It is being run very well even without any assistance from the government.
Bhausaheb Raut Vidyamandir, Kashele, Tal. Karjat, District Raigad:
The students will certainly benefit from watching the experiments from close proximity and your cooperation. Even the teachers found the event very beneficial.
Trimurti Vidyalaya, Tinhewadi, Tal. Khed, District Pune:
There is no doubt that your activity helps create science-oriented citizens of our country.
Brahmanand Vidyalaya, Bhilawadi Station, Tal. Tasgaon, District Sangli:
Both teachers and students found the experiments very instructive. The children learned science through playful humour and by asking questions.
Apti Vidyalaya, Apti, Tal. Javali, District Satara:
Experiments were demonstrated to the students through many a modern instrument. In addition, audio visual media were judiciously used for getting across useful information.
Pendhri Panchakroshi Vidyalaya, Pendhri, Tal. Deogad, District Sindhudurg:
Yours is a lion's share in adding to the knowledge of our students and teachers alike.
Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Yadavwadi-Hargude, Tal. Purandar, District Pune:
Vidnyanvahini used today a different format. In a short time, they trained some of our students as instructors and they in turn explained the experiments like teachers to their peers. This is a very novel method especially for students who are not well-versed in use of equipments.

From students:
Yasmin, Chhatrapati Shivaji Vidyalaya, Veet, Tal. Karmala, District Solapur:
You might wonder who 'Yasmin' is. I am a student from Shivaji Vidyalaya of Veet. I greatly benefited from the experiments you showed us. You told us you would return in January, 1997. Please write to me and tell me what day you will arrive so I will wait till then.
Kishore Shinde, New English school, Ghotawade:
What are cosmic rays and what is their connection with atoms?
Dnyaneshwar Kamathe, Shivshambho Vidyalaya, Khalad:
You gave us a lot of information about rainbows and had asked us to observe rainbows and answer a question you had posed. On 6-8-97, I saw a rainbow in the morning and found it contained red, light yellow, Green, blue, light orange, indigo and violet colours. I want to be a great scientist and make India no. 1 in the world.
Seema Jagtap, New English school, Pimple:
You have been visiting our school for two years and letting us perform various experiments. I especially liked the experiments in chemistry on neutralization, phosphorous flame, and ammonia fountain. Will you please tell me why the sun can heat earth with its rays but when we keep rising in the atmosphere the temperature keeps falling?
M.S. Kadam, New English School, Bhamburde:
What is litmus paper made of and what does the litmus solution contain?
Sanjay Vadhai, Kasat, Tal. Varora, Dist. Chandrapur:
You told us to determine the densities of water, oil and kerosene. I mixed these three liquids at home and found that water is more dense, then comes oil and finally the kerosene. I used linseed oil for my experiment.
Yuvraj Shinde, Naravir Tanaji Vidyalaya, Donje:
We performed several of the experiments you taught at home and got results. The postcard and a coin on a glass, covering a burning candle by a glass, etc. are some of those.

From supporters and well-wishers:
Vibhavari Sawant, Samarth Vidyalaya, Kolhapur:
”... खूप गोष्टी नव्याने समजल्या. आमच्या ज्ञानात भर पडली . सर्व व्याख्यानांबाबत बोलायचे झाले तर माझ्याकडे शब्द अपुरे आहेत. प्रत्येक वक्ता आपल्या ज्ञान आणि अनुभवाची शिदोरी आम्हाला वाटत होते. एवढ्या अनुभवी, ज्ञानी मंडळीना पाहून मुलांसोबत आम्हालाही नवा दृष्टीकोन लाभला...”
(पूर्ण प्रतिसाद)
Baba Amte, Kasaravad on Narmada, District Badwani, M.P.:
These are the times filled with opportunities and challenges... Science is changing very rapidly. Rural youth cannot afford to sit back and watch. But he is helpless. Selfish politicians have kept them on the sidelines. Vidnyanvahini is forging ahead to extricate this unholy, disgraceful and unpardonable situation in respect of science education in rural areas. They are tackling a problem which no one has taken up before, and they are doing so with a fired up mind and a cool head.... My best wishes are with them.
B.K.Naik, CEO, Zilla Parishad, Solapur:
Any social inequity is unacceptable. Hence, Vidnyanvahini tries to reduce educational inequity by taking a mobile science lab to remote and inaccessible schools so that children can see and perform science experiments and develop a scientific outlook. The organization's activities are definitely commendable... I am also confident your plan to start a science center in a rural setting to serve as an exploratory for children, a museum for adults and an information cell for farmers will succeed.
Dr. N.W.Kale, Srirampur:
I admire your goal of trying to eradicate exploitative superstitions from rural maharashtra. Even in my medical profession, I come across superstitions about science and I try to eradicate them whenever I can. I will like to cooperate with you as much as possible.
D.G.Dhole, Vikas Charitable Trust, Kirloskarwadi:
Thank you for bringing your mobile lab to our schools at our request between 9 to 13 February, 1999. many students learned science through simple yet interesting methodology. All students were very excited by your presence. There is no doubt you have contributed greatly in helping remove superstitions. Please accept a Rs. 2,500 draft enclosed as a small token of our gratitude.
Secretary, "Aapanach", Pune: Thank you for visiting our street children's schools several times between March 3 to April 5, 2000 and giving our students very useful information. This has helped create an interest among the children in education in general and science in particular. We hope for active cooperation in our future activities as well from you.
Roxana Kalyanavala, Bharatiya Samaj Sewa Kendra, Pune:
The programme given by Vidnyanvahini's experienced, devoted and excellent staff for children in our sponsorship programme was a grand success. Many concepts in mathematics and science were cleared and they love the subjects rather than fear them. We appreciate your help in promoting our work for the benefit of the society.
R.S.Thakur-Desai, Executive Secretary, Vijayadevi Shirke Educational Trust, Pune: I was able to watch your work at the Alandi Mhatoba school. The impromptu thoughts expressed by the students at the end of the programme represented a genuine acknowledgement of your work since they were a mirror reflection of the children's curious minds.
Sir Ratan Tata Trust and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust on the visit by Vidnyanvahini to schools in Nandurbar District:
Science on wheels: in a bid to bring new ideas and resources into a district ranked lowest in literacy and Human Development Index in the state of Maharashtra, the Trusts organised a six-day science session in February 2012; Vidnyanvahini brought in their mobile science lab to give students and teachers an experience they will not forget.