Vidnyanvahini in Media
*click on the image to read the news
- View Annual Report 2019-20 (PDF 960KB)
- 'आम्ही विज्ञानयात्री' ही सौ. विभावरी सावंत (विज्ञान शिक्षिका - समर्थ विद्यालय, कोल्हापूर) यांनी लिहिलेली कविता वाचण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक् करा.
- Photos and report of Prize distribution ceremony and Atik Felicitation at Tulapur
- लातूर प्रदर्शन जानेवारी २०२० फोटो आणि अहवाल
- Vidnyanvahini was featured on Tarun Bharat News channel
" हॅलो " च्या विज्ञान मेळाव्यामध्ये विद्यार्थी बनले शिक्षक
Read article1, Read article2, Read article3 - Camp for Helpers of the Handicapped students
- विज्ञानवाहिनी आणि राष्ट्रीयएकात्मताही Read article
- विज्ञानवाहिनीतर्फे कार्यशाळेचे आयोजन Read article
- Apne Liye Jiye Tou Kya Jiye! - an audio interview of Mr. Sharad Godse on SBS Radio about Vidnyan Vahini. Listen (MP3)
Article in Christian science monitor
Read article (English) - रिटायर्ड लोगों की बच्चों के लिए 3 लाख किलोमीटर की यात्रा, इसे आप क्या कहेंगे?
Read article (Hindi) - बीज पेरतोय विज्ञानाचे ...
Article about Ashok Rupner, Director - Muktangan Science Exploratorium, IUCAA.
Read article (Marathi) - विज्ञानवाहिनी आता डिजिटल
Read article - विज्ञानवाहिनीने रुजविली शाळा, गावांमध्ये प्रयोगशीलता
Read article - विज्ञानाचे फिरते चाक
Read article - विज्ञानवाहिनीला सहकार्य करा
Read article - 'Igniting minds on the move'
- Pune Mirror, 27 Sept. 2015
Read news about Vidnyanvahini - 'They are above 60. And they have traveled about 3 Lakh kilometers to take Science to Kids' - The Better India, 18 Jun. 2015
Read article - A Report on educational trip to Pune by students of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Arunachal Pradesh.
Read report (PDF) | View Photos - 'देशाच्या एकोप्याची जाणीव देणारा संवाद'
- यमाजी मालकर
संपूर्ण लेख वाचा (PDF)
Past Events
Happy to declare the result of our National Level Elocution-Video Competition!!
Vidnyanvahini's then President, Godse Sir had declared 'All India Video Elocution Competition' for school students, in late 2020.
The number of students who participated in this competition was very less than expected, may be mainly due to Corona, so we waited long for more participants.
Also, the sudden demise of Godse Sir in March 2021, greatly affected the work of competition result. Just a few months back, we declared and displayed the result on Vidnyanvahini's website.
For this competition we had announced a nominal entrance fee from the participants.
Given here are the details about the total fee collected from the participants and the money spent by Vidnyanvahini for cash prizes and certificates.
The financial report of 'Vidnyanvahini (VV) All India Video Competition' is given below:
Number of applicants: 61
Number of Video Received: 58
Nominal entrance fee received by VV from the participants: Rs. 1,173.00
Payment (yet to be received from Anuja to VV): Rs. 1,570.00
Total amount received by VV: Rs. 2,743.00
Total expenses: Cash Prizes given to students by VV: Rs. 17,000.00
Amount spent for certificates: Rs.2,500.00
VV's total expenses for this competition: Rs. 19,500.00
As of today (3 August 2021), two candidates have not sent their bank details to collect their prize money.

Vidnyanvahini(Vv) is happy to declare the result of our video competition today. We the Vv members, however have mixed feelings of sorrow and Joy while declaring this result. This is because the main person behind this video competition, our dear Godse Sir passed away due to sudden heart attack in March. His sudden demise was a big shock to Vv. He had even signed the certificates to be distributed to all the participants. In addition, due to the outside circumstances like lock-down, school closers, etc. we were not able to contact school teachers and students. We apologies the delay for declaring this result. We very much appreciate the enthusiasm and response of the students to this video competition. Thank you and best wishes to all the participants.
विज्ञानवाहिनी तर्फे घेण्यात आलेल्या व्हिडीओ स्पर्धेचा निकाल आज आम्ही जाहीर करत आहोत.
हे करताना आमच्या मनात आनंद व दुःख अशा दोन्ही भावना दाटून आल्या आहेत. दुःख अशासाठी की ज्या गोडसे सरांनी खूप उत्साहाने ही स्पर्धा आयोजित केली होती, सर्टिफिकेट्स वर त्यांनी सह्याही करून ठेवल्या होत्या त्यांचे मार्च महिन्यात अचानक दुःखद निधन झाले. या धक्क्याने विज्ञानवाहिनी तर जणू स्तब्ध झाली. याशिवाय अनेक महिन्यांपासूनचे सध्याचे बाहेरील वातावरण, लॉकडाउन, बंद असलेल्या शाळा यामुळे आम्हाला विद्यार्थ्यांशी, शिक्षकांशी संपर्क साधता आला नाही.
अशा कारणांमुळे आम्हाला स्पर्धेचा निकाल जाहीर करण्यास उशीर झाला. त्याबद्दल आम्ही दिलगीर आहोत.
विद्यार्थ्यांनी उत्साहाने भाग घेऊन उत्तम प्रयत्न केल्यामुळे हा निकाल जाहीर करताना आम्हाला आनंद होत आहे व सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांचे खूप कौतुक वाटत आहे.
Following are the final Results of the Video Elocution Competition
There were in all 58 participants.
All the prize winners should send their
Bank details - Name of the Bank, Branch,
Account number, IFSC code.
We will send the prize amount by NEFT.
Group |
Name of the Participant |
Standard & School |
Marks out of 100 |
Prize and Amount -Rs. |
Group I : 1st to 4th Std. |
Bhagya Ganegar |
2nd Std., Basaveshwar International Public School, Bagalkot. |
Encouragement Prize. |
1000/- |
Kavya |
3rd Std., Basaveshwar International Public School, Bagalkot. |
Encouragement Prize. |
1000/- |
Siri Karanth |
2nd Std., Basaveshwar International Public School, Bagalkot. |
Encouragement Prize. |
1000/- |
Group II : 5th to 7th Std. |
Gauri Kugali |
5th Std., B.G.S. National Public School, Bengaluru |
81 |
First 2500/- |
Prathmesh Thorat |
5th Std., Smt.Mhalasabai Highschool,Basarge, Gadhinglaj |
80 |
Second 2000/- |
Chinmay Kumar |
7th Std., Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Arunachal Pradesh |
79 |
Third 1500/- |
Group III : 8th to 10th Std. |
Mahira Kohali |
10th Std., Lotus valley International School, Gurgaon. |
93 |
First 2500/- |
Samyak Joshi |
9th Std., D.E.S. Secondary School, Pune |
91 |
Second 2000/- |
Aadi Hoscoti |
8th Std., Basaveshwar International Public School, Bagalkot. |
90 |
Third 1500/- |
Group IV : Special Need Students |
Aastha Bidikar |
Phoenix School of Special Education, Pune. |
Encouragement Prize. |
1000/- |
Ridhi |
Phoenix School of Special Education, Pune. |
Encouragement Prize. |
1000/- |