f Vidnyanvahini:: Mobile Science Laboratory, Science & rural schools, Maharashtra, India
Mobile Science Lab (MSL)

Welcome to Vidnyanvahini, a non-profit organization reaching out to rural school children to offer them a means of learning science through Mobile Science Lab for experiments.

Recent Events

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विज्ञानवाहिनी अणदूर दौरा 22-Jul-2024 - 26-July-2024

वसंतराव पाटील विद्यालय, नांदूरी. शरदचंद्र पवार विद्यालय, राजेगाव

लाल बहादूर शास्त्री विद्यलय, होर्टी श्रीराम विद्यालय, कोयाळ

मेसाई माध्यमिक विद्यालय, जवळगा

विज्ञानवाहिनी आष्टी दौरा 1-Jul-2024 - 5-July-2024

स्वामी विवेकानंद विद्यालय, मुगांव. श्रृंगेरी विद्यालय, ब्रह्मगांव

वि.दा. सावरकर माध्यमिक विद्यालय, चिखली जिल्हा परिषद प्रशाळा, आरळी

फिनीक्स इंतरनॅशनल स्कूल, आष्टी

विज्ञानवाहिनी विद्यार्थी शिबीर -जून 2024

विज्ञानवाहिनीतर्फे पुण्यात दरवर्षी होणारे विद्यार्थी यंदा १९ ते २२ जून २०२४ ह्या कालावधीत विद्यार्थी शिबिर संपन्न झाले. ग्रामीण भागातील विद्यार्थ्यांना विज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञानातील चालू घडामोडींची ओळख करून देण्यासाठी शिबीराचे आयोजन केले जाते. या शिबिरात ग्रामीण भागातील दहावीचे विद्यार्थी त्यांच्या शिक्षकांसह सहभागी होतात. ह्यात विज्ञानवाहिनीने भेट दिलेल्या शाळांपैकी ८ शाळातली प्रत्येकी ४ विद्यार्थी व १ शिक्षक असे एकूण ४० जण सहभागी झाले होते.

विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी पुण्यातील Empress Botanical Garden, National War Memorial Southern Command व IISER संस्थांना भेटीचा कार्यक्रम आयोजित केला होता. दुपारच्या सत्रात मेघना झुझुम (“मी सावित्रीबाई फुले” याचा प्रयोग) , श्री.अजित वर्तक (कंबोडियातील देवळे), श्री.जयंत कावळे (विद्युत वितरण व व्यवस्थापन), श्री. उमेश झिरपे (गिर्यारोहण), श्री. संदीप पाठक (ऐकू कसे येते), श्री. कौस्तुभ मुदगल (मोबाईलचे प्रदूषण), श्री राजगोपाल पाटील (पक्षांविषयी सर्व काही) व श्री. जयंत फाळके(शास्त्रीय संकल्पना) यांची विविध विषयांवर व्याख्याने झाली. श्रीमती रंजना देवल यांनी शिबिराच्या काळात पहाटे 6 ते 7 योगासन वर्ग घेतले.


If Vidnyanvahini's MSL project appeals to you, we welcome you to participate!

(1) by providing kits of novel scientific experiments,
(2) by providing appropriate audio-visual aids, or
(3) by donating to the corpus fund of Vidnyanvahini which sustains our work.


Mobile Science Laboratory Mobile Science Laboratory

Vidnyanvahini, through its MSL (Mobile Science Lab), gives rural students a chance to learn science through experiments.

read more about Mobile Science Laboratory

Teacher training workshops Teacher training workshops

With a view to raise the standards of science teaching in rural schools, Vidnyanvahini conducts a number of teacher training workshops every year.

read more about Teacher training workshops

Testimonial Testimonials

"Vidnyanvahini brought in their mobile science lab to give students and teachers an experience they will not forget."

read testimonials

Rural science centre Rural science centre

The Centre located in Anadur in Osmanabad district of Maharashtra offers the opportunity to perform science experiments to students in surrounding rural schools.

read more about Rural science centre

Student camps Student camps

This camp, held annually in Pune, seeks to expose rural students to current developments in science and technology.

read more about Student camps

Volunteer Volunteer

"Vidnyanvahini took me into an entirely foreign culture and opened my eyes to the world I had not seen."

read more about Rural science centre


While urban India has made very impressive progress to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, rural school education in India never quite made it out of the nineteenth. This is especially true with respect to science education due to the lack of adequate laboratories. On the global scene, India's contribution to science and technology is quite noteworthy. But education at the rural school level has suffered from benign neglect. Whereas in metropolitan India we see the wonders of technology such as satellite communication and super computers; in rural India we see poverty, a lack of basic infrastructure, and an abundance of superstitions. Vidnyanvahini's vision is to try to reduce this gap as much as possible, at least at the educational level.


  • To provide rural school children with an opportunity to handle scientific apparatus and learn the basics of science through experiments.
  • To create awareness of the relevance of science in the lives of rural school children by discussing concepts such as cleanliness, hygiene, safe drinking water, and the environment.
  • To explain the science behind some seemingly curious results, and thus help remove age-old superstitions.
  • To educate adolescent children on human reproduction.
  • To bridge the gap between urban and rural education.
  • To spread the message in rural communities that science can help solve the problems in their everyday lives as much as it does for the urbanites.
  • To hold workshops and training camps for science teachers in order to establish a dialogue with them through continuing education.